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Bladed / Centric Line / Levin / Optiform Lingualized Occlusion

  • Our collection of specialized posterior teeth each designed for increased chewing efficiency for your toughest cases. With this many options you are sure to find a style suitable for your patients needs
  • Offered in a variety of shade ranges across several manufacturers we have curated multiple options for you
  • All of the porcelain teeth in this collection are vacuum fired European porcelain which means a more durable end product 
  • Centric line posteriors are swiss style cutter bar with the raised porcelain ridge on the buccal edge, designed to set up with a mortar and pestle effect into the slightly concave occlusal area of the upper posterior teeth
  • Levin Bladed are a cross-linked acrylic resin with cast chrome alloys blades - a cross hatch design firmly planted into the upper for an esthetically pleasing yet effective design
  •  M-O Zig-Zag Cutter Bar a time proven design for masticating efficiency with minimum vertical and horizontal stress to the supporting ridges. These posterior teeth feature a thin ribbon of Vitallium® that extends very slightly beyond the occlusal surface of the tooth to penetrate and cut through food with minimal force required.
  • Optiform Lingualized Occlusion teeth in both acrylic and porcelain. These posts offer upper 30° lower 10° for use in a cross bite situation. Lingualized occlusion is  where you would set the upper posterior teeth in a turned-out position (cusps toward the cheeks), so that only the lingual cusps of the maxillary teeth contact the center of the occlusal table of the mandibular posterior teeth. This creates less tipping of lower denture as well as chewing efficiency
  • All teeth are Quality Assurance CE marked Health Canada, FDA certified for your peace of mind
  • L1: length central    W1: width central     W2: width set (flat) *
  • * measurements given in description of each mould

This Collection includes:

Enta Ceram Lingualized Occlusion Optiform porcelain Shades A0 A1 A2 A3 C1

Enta Acryl Lingualized Occlusion Optiform acrylic  Shades A1 A2 A3 

M-O Zig Zag cutter bar  Shades Lt / Md

DPS Centric Line porcelain Shades B0 B1 A1 A2  

Linear Blade (Deeley Shades B1 A1

Levin Lingual Bladed Shades 66 65 A3 A3.5